Forms and Paperwork to detailed information
Treatment guidelines, including specific details regarding the billing process can be found below. In order to use the time effectively, clients are encouraged to review and fill out the following paperwork prior to the initial session. If you are unable to complete the forms your therapists suggests in advance, please arrive at our office 10 minutes earlier to fill out a paper copy. All questions regarding the material can be answered at the beginning of the session. If you have any questions prior to our first meeting, please don’t hesitate to call us (314-445-5678) or email us ([email protected])
Please click on the form name to open a PDF file. If you are unable to open the document, please, download a free Adobe Acrobat Reader by clicking here.
- Feeling sad or depressed much of the time (Take Depression Test and find your score)
- Feeling stressed or anxious much of the time (Take Happiness Test and find your score)
- Low Self Esteem (Take Sorensen Self-Esteem Test and find your score)